The steps to adoption

Learn about the process to adopting a child from Suffolk Adoption Agency.

See the steps to becoming an adoptive parent with our dedicated infographic (PDF, 1MB).

How you'll become an adopter

1. Initial enquiry: Get in touch with us through email, phone (01473 264800), Facebook or at one of our events.

2. Chat with our team: One of our adoption workers will call you to discuss adoption and answer your questions.

3. Information event: You will be invited to join one of our information events to hear from one of our team and to ask any questions.

4. Registration of interest - You'll complete and return a registration of interest form, and if this is accepted, you'll start the process.

5. Stage 1: We'll allocate you a dedicated stage one worker. References, checks and medicals are undertaken and you'll be asked to complete a workbook. You will also be invited to our adoption preparation course.

6. Stage 2: You'll be allocated an adoption Social Worker who will get to know you and your family and support you through the assessment, approval and matching process.

7. Adoption panel: You will attend a panel of independent people with your Social Worker who will consider your approval as an adopter.

8. Matching/introductions: If approved, your adoption Social Worker will work with you to identify the most suitable child to be part of your family and support you through this.

9. Adoption order/celebration hearing: After a minimum of 10 weeks of the child being placed with you, you can send your application to the court for an adoption order.

10. Post-adoption support: We've got a team dedicated to supporting your family.

Talk to us

If you have any questions about any part of the process or would like to discuss your own situation, then please get in touch.