Useful websites for foster carers
- Suffolk foster carer benefits scheme: foster carers can get benefits and save money with us.
- Suffolk CPD online: the log in portal for Suffolk's professional development site.
- Emergency out of hours: call 0808 800 4005
- New Family Social: website for LGBTQ+ adoptive and foster families
- Fostering Network: the UK's leading fostering charity
- Suffolk Foster Carer Association: run by Suffolk Foster Carers for Suffolk Foster Carers
- The Mockingbird Society's Family Model: a solution to transform foster care and end youth homelessness
- Suffolk's Fostering Service on Facebook
- Suffolk's Fostering Service on Instagram
- Brighter Futures: call 0800 917 1119
- Suffolk's latest Ofsted report
- Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership: the 'Missing from Care' guidance is on this website
Please ensure you are registered with HMRC as self-employed and complete your tax return for the tax year 6 April 2023 - 5 April 2024 by midnight on the 31st January 2025. Guidance and information can be found in the links below.
Useful documents
- Foster carer's manualPDF1.86MB
- Fostering Statement of Purpose 2024-25DOCX1.05MB
- Suffolk CC Foster Carer Charter PDF3.32MB
- Refer a friend formPDF116KB
- Allegations: Guidance for foster carers and prospective adoptersPDF1.05MB
- Foster placement disruption guidancePDF191KB
- Goals of the disruption meetingPDF51KB
- Delegating Authority to Foster Carers and Children's HomesPDF345KB
- Fostering Guidance for Child Care Arrangements Under Delegated AuthorityPDF273KB
- Fostering when you WorkPDF108KB
- Placement planning for children in carePDF202KB
- Recording policy and guidance for foster carersPDF187KB
- Parent and child foster placement guidancePDF211KB
- Guide to attending fostering panelPDF223KB
- Strength and difficulties questionnaire practice guidancePDF316KB
- Using the Emergency Duty Service (EDS) and Fostering Out-of-Hours Call Service (FOOHAS) VisualPDF74KB
- Fire safety in the homePDF581KB
- Staying put policy and procedureDOCX713KB
- Guidance on Possession of Firearms and other WeaponsPDF254KB
- The Family Business - An Introductory GuidePDF1.08MB
- Care Leavers Guide to ApprenticeshipsPDF1.48MB
- Fostering Schedule of Allowances and Fees 2024-25PDF534KB
- Guidance on Pets in Fostering HouseholdsPDF266KB
- Fostering Service Guidance in relation to Dangerous PetsPDF207KB
- Adoption by Foster Carers FlowchartPDF135KB
- Adoption by Foster Carers LeafletPDF282KB
- Adoption by Foster Carers PolicyPDF222KB
- Surveillance PolicyPDF144KB
Technology User Guides
- How to: Use File ExplorerPDF117KB
- How to: Print Screen and Snip and SketchPDF225KB
- How to: Use Microsoft WordPDF382KB
- How to: Use OutlookPDF221KB
- How to: Access YouTube and Ted TalksPDF165KB
- How to: Access Office 365PDF212KB
- Outlook Messaging Encryption GuidePDF191KB
- How to: Set up your CPD accountPDF188KB
Be involved!
We offer opportunities to our foster carers who are keen to get more involved.
Suffolk foster carers can share their fostering experience and develop their own skills. Some of these opportunities attract an additional fee.
As a Suffolk foster carer you can:
- Share your experiences: Would you like to encourage others to foster? Find out more about how you can be involved in our recruitment
- Volunteer for the Suffolk Foster Carer Association
- Become a Fostering Ambassador: we have several carers who work with the recruitment team and assist at public events to promote fostering
- Receive a thank you payment of £500* if you introduce someone who goes on to be approved as a Suffolk Foster Carer
- Support and mentor other carers individually or take part in running support groups.
*Terms and conditions apply, get in touch for more details.